Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Do You Believe In Santa?

I am usually a positive, glass half full kind of person.  Last week, I said something less than positive to my sister regarding something I’d like to create in my life – I said I didn’t see it happening any time soon.  My sister said, you know what your trouble is? You don’t believe in Santa!  I thought, you know, she’s right! 

What is believing in Santa all about?  What is the Santa Effect?

Anyone with Santa in their culture knows the obvious one – when you were child, if you even thought about doing something naughty, especially anytime near Christmas, you were warned – I’m going to tell Santa if you don’t behave!  We all knew about Santa’s naughty list, and most of us straightened right up.  (There
were a few who somehow didn’t mind the threat of receiving nothing but coal in their stocking.)

I was chastised as a kid when I informed my cousin (my same age, who still believed in Santa), how could there be one person who flies all over the world in just one night delivering gifts to every kid on the planet?!  Believing in Santa is believing in the seemingly impossible – Saint Nick delivering gifts to everyone everywhere who believed and behaved.  As I delve more into the experience and practice of believing, I see the Santa Effect as:

We ask for what we want, we act positively, we believe, and we receive it.  We receive when we are “good” – which I’ll translate into when we take positive action and believe (recall the warning in childhood that if you don’t believe in Santa, you won’t get any presents).  I look at this not as an egotistical Santa who has a need to be believed in before he’ll deliver the goods, but more of a universal truth that if you don’t trust in the goodness, you somehow cut off the flow of good coming
to you.

Santa is jolly, loving, laughing, caring, magical, and brings toys and play to the child in each one of us who believes and embraces their goodness.  No matter how naughty we were or are, Santa never gets upset or angry with us.  And no matter how many times we stop the flow of gifts coming to us through our behavior, we can get right back on the gift list just by being nice (aka believing in our good).

So be good for goodness sake and keep the Spirit of Santa flowing to you –
ask, act, believe, receive - and embrace the circle by giving in return. 

Merry Christmas and a Joyous Holiday Season,
Robin Fernandez

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