Monday, February 28, 2011

Who Are You Without What You Do? What Are Your Values? How Can You Connect Your Values With Purpose?

When we first meet someone or are getting to know someone new, we typically ask, what do you do?  And at least in American society, we typically measure someone by what he/she has accomplished within a commonly learned scope – their education, their profession, how much money they make, their net worth, how large and attractive is their home, do they have vacation homes, their travels, their spouse, their children and what their children do, have they headed up a company, written a best-selling book, drive an expensive car, are they physically very good-looking – sound familiar?

As a relatively new coach, my parents and certain relatives don’t ask – are you enjoying your profession?  Is it expressing who you really are? No, those are esoteric questions. They ask – are you making any money at that? How much are you charging? I can’t fault them. They were raised with a primary value and purpose – to provide for their families, mostly focused on financially.

I had a recent conversation with a friend who is in the midst of a life transition. Recently retired, a parent whose youngest is about to go to college – he is now looking to redefine himself and his life. His life has been based on his profession and being a good provider, all noble and very important roles.  So I challenged him as I challenge you reading this – what is your purpose without what you “do” or did? What values are the inherent you that you bring or could bring to being purposeful in this world?

Friday, February 18, 2011

Looking for More Joy in your Life? There is a four-letter word for that..... P L A Y!!

Remember the seeming suspension of time when you were playing as a kid?  Whether riding a bike, climbing trees, tinkering with something you took apart, playing dress-up, twirling in circles, or just laying on freshly cut grass while you identified objects in the clouds – you were happy and lost in the spiritually refueling world of PLAY!

I recently read the book “Play – How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul” by Stuart Brown.  I’m not an expert about the practices in other cultures, societies, countries, but I do know that more and more Americans are being raised and living with an all work, little play, ethic that is slowing strangling us.  Through studies, plus his own observations of thousands of clients, Dr. Brown emphasizes the crucial importance of play to the sustenance of our brains, to innovative thinking and creativity, to the nourishment of our souls and survival on this planet.

Even without such high goals as using play for generative leadership, let’s just take a look at bringing more JOY into our lives! 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Focus on Your Own Stuff (don’t look to other’s lives – build up your own)

The surest way to unhappiness for me is when I compare myself and the status of my life to others.  I have expended way too much energy and creativity in the past allowing myself to become disheartened and distracted by others’ success, when I could have been using all that focus and attention to creating my own.  Not that I wanted others not to have what they have – I have been happy for them and celebrate others’ successes.

However, as my friend Jules Price said – “When you observe something – does it inspire and motivate you to create it for yourself?  You think - that’s great; I want that in my life!  Or do you think, I’ll never have that.”  So you give up before you put the attention into making it happen for yourself.

What happens when your attention drifts to comparing yourself to others?  To their wealth, relationships, health/beauty, status, experiences, etc.  If you are motivated by this, then, great let it be your inspiration!  If you’re like me, then say good for them (and mean it), and then focus on your own stuff!

What do you want to create in your life?
What does your impossible future look like?
What motivates you?
How do you express gratitude every day for what you DO have in your life?
What small steps are you taking every day that bring you closer to what you are creating in your life?
Do you affirm each day, this is actually happening for me?