Thursday, September 1, 2016

The Nature of Leadership

What is the Nature of your Leadership Style? Is it like a tornado – wreaking change through immediate and unpredictable force? Is it like the moon’s effect on the tides – profound, with regular predictability? Is it subtle, like a gentle breeze – stirring leaves with a calm, unseen influence?

Leadership is not just something that happens in an office, or within a corporation or organization. One of the definitions of leadership is an act or instance of leading, guidance, direction. It can also mean control, influence, command, and effectiveness. And whether or not we are aware of it, each of us is the leader of our own life. We also co-create our life with those seen and unseen forces around us. Too often we go through life leading by default, rather than purposefully leading.

Nature seems, to us, to be conducted without purpose, random, unpredictable. However, we can’t begin to understand the vastness of the inner workings of Nature and how this entire planet works together. The higher level of leadership that is going on around us is unfathomable to us. If you watch any Nature program, you will be awed by the precision, balance, effectiveness, direction, and teamwork of animals, birds, insects, fish, plants, trees. And they do it all without “words.”  And yet humans with all our technology, languages, methodologies, techniques, leadership books, governments, organizations – have a tough time with what Nature seems to do effortlessly.

Per Jonas Salk, “if all insects on Earth disappeared, within 50 years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from the Earth, within 50 years all forms of life would flourish.” What does that tell you about the virtues of our leadership as compared with Nature’s?

Exceptional leadership is something each of us should aspire to be and do on purpose in our daily lives. Take a look at your leadership style:

within your work context, as well as in leading your life. Are you leading with a clear vision, with direction, and purpose connected with a higher good? Are you leading with intelligence in listening to your emotions and acting on them consciously, rather than yielding to your survival instincts that hijack your brain and take over the lead?

Are you continuously being, not only the manager of your own life, but also an intentional leader? Managers typically are enlisted to find answers to problems. Exemplary leaders live in the questions, visualize the future, and inspire balanced action. Balance, meaning, that the leader has considered the consequences of his/her actions and the predicted results. Excellent leaders bravely stand in the unknown, and yet bring fortitude, calm, innovative thinking, centered boldness, understanding, and empathy into the world.

What is your leadership style now? What would you like it to be? What is the effect you have on others? What responses would you receive if your leadership style was assessed by others? What if you were brave enough to listen honestly, observe the path you are making, and witness the wake you leave behind as you pass in this world? A tornado dissipates and does not “see” the destruction it has left. Do you periodically “check behind you” to see the daily legacy you are leaving behind? 

“As you climb the ladder of success, check occasionally to make sure it is leaning against the right wall,” Anonymous.

With Balance defined as – mental steadiness or emotional stability, habit of calm behavior, judgment – Here are some inspirations from Nature to direct your leadership style in a more balanced state:

Have you observed birds migrating south in a perfect V-shape formation?  It is thought this serves two purposes. First, the lead bird bears the highest difficulty while creating lift for the other birds to fly more easily. Second, the V-shape formation enables all the birds to see clearly where they are going. One leader leads, and all clearly see the path before them. The birds take turns leading, and as the leader flies to the back of the line to rest, the next leader seemingly seamlessly shifts into the lead role. Is it time for you to rest and allow someone else to take the lead for a while? Or is it time for you to take the lead? How do you enable others to see clearly where you are taking them?

Witnessing a mother bird pushing her baby birds out of the nest may appear to us as leading by force. However, mother birds know when it’s time for the hatchlings to fly, and they encourage it. Where do you need a push in life? Who, currently “under your command,” can you encourage to fly? Think of a mother cat picking up a kitten to lead it to safety. Do you need to lead yourself to a safe place? A place to rejuvenate? What is it about the majestic nature of an eagle that exemplifies leadership to us? What can you learn by observing the incredible focus of an animal in Nature?

“The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature,” Joseph Campbell.

Be inspired by Nature with balanced direction in leading yourself and others.

By Robin Fernandez, NCC, PCC
Nature of Being