Saturday, May 14, 2011

On the Right Road

After meeting with an acquaintance in Loveland CO, she suggested I take a different road back to Boulder, and said I would see signs for getting onto the highway. I drove for some time, and started to wonder if I had missed the turnoff.  I didn’t see a sign.  Maybe there wasn’t a sign? Without a GPS or a map in the car, I turned around and drove back quite a ways.  I took another road briefly – and knew that wasn’t correct since I was driving toward the mountains, and they should have been on my right.  I called a friend and discovered I had not traveled far enough.  I drove back onto the first road, and realized the sign for the highway was just a little past where I had turned around.   

I thought about the significance of this and wondered how many times have I done this in my life?  How many times have I turned around, doubting that I was on the right road?
Doubting that I was “getting anywhere” just when I am about to see my clear right road unfold before me?  Am I so busy looking for a sign to reassure me that I am on the right road that it’s detracting my attention to my work and the journey along my path?  How can I trust that something feels like the correct direction?  I listened to being in the wrong direction when I took that other road – I knew something did not feel right.  But the first road, I did not trust, even though I was on the correct path.

I recall that game that we used to play as kids.  Someone would hide something, and the other person would try to find it by following the guidance from the other person – you’re getting warmer (closer to the object), you’re getting colder (farther from the object) – you are freezing, you’re frozen to death – you’re hot, on fire, boiling!  Each of us has a guidance system, intuition, gut feeling, hunch, inner voice – this voice is usually not blatant.  It is often subtle and sublime when you are in tune with it.  Especially in our western culture, we are not cultivated in how to tap into and listen to this guidance system.

I invite you to new ways of listening and gently observing your “right road.”  Sit quietly and focus your thoughts fully and completely as possible, visualizing what you want to create in your life.  Picture that the path to your success, your health, your peace, etc., is all around you NOW.  Feel what that would be like as if it already IS.  Now picture something currently in your life that you need to make a decision about, that you are unsure if it is in alignment with your “right” path, your dream.  Notice if you feel lighter or weighted down, if you feel more tired or more energized, if you feel cold/aka it moves you a step away from what you want to create, or hot/aka it moves you a step closer to what you want!  Pay close
attention to your breathing, any tightness in your body, and breathe into any
areas of tension.

I invite you to be open and flexible, and just listen to any messages without judging.  We can be on the exact right path or know what it is, but fear makes us unclear.  In this more relaxed state, ask yourself questions, such as, if I knew I could not fail – is this the career I would like to dive into?  If I honored myself completely – is this the relationship I would be in?  If I respected my body as a temple – would I treat it this way?  If I trusted in my heart – what would it say
to me?

“You have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well-worn path, and that will make all the difference.”  Steve Jobs – 2005 Stanford commencement.

By reading this blog to improve your life – you’re getting warmer!!

Robin Fernandez
Nature of Being